The Necessary Insurgency

"As we look at all the various forms of societal incompetence and unrest that currently afflict us, whether feckless politicians or lawless rioters, we soon find that they all have one thing in common. The people who voted for Bernie, or threw a brick through an Abercrombie & Fitch window, or spewed their venomous trolleries on Twitter, or who viciously canceled any responsible attempts at dissent, are all at the tail end of that huge, slow-moving conveyor belt that we call public education."

Get the Government out of Schools

A case against the State monopoly on education: article by Kerry McDonald, reposted from; Whether it’s yesterday’s battles over prayer in school or today’s conflicts over critical race theory, public schooling causes people to fight. It’s a struggle between values and viewpoints that ends with one group imposing its will upon others. The curriculum… Continue reading Get the Government out of Schools

Everything they’ve told us is suspect. (Autism, this time)

Thanks to Ido Kedar's calling attention to it, I'm excited to see news that the Accepted Position on "Facilitated Communication" is not only bunkus, but demonstrably bunkus. The Usual Suspects haven't chimed in, AFAIK, but the linked study asserts a pretty firm case for letter-board communication being (frequently, if not usually) real and legitimate communication… Continue reading Everything they’ve told us is suspect. (Autism, this time)

On “The Night my Father Shot the Werewolf” When a boy is nine, his Dad is the most important person in his life, and he should be able to look to Dad to defeat the monsters that hunt in the dark.  Sean Grady always knew his Dad would do whatever it took to keep the family safe:  this is Sean’s story. Thanks… Continue reading On “The Night my Father Shot the Werewolf”

Still thinking about catechesis and spiritual growth — The Pocket Scroll

Information is not enough.

On Sacrificing Children to Educational Abstractions

There are two heathen altars in American cities on which ordinary citizens sacrifice their children on a regular basis, and it's unclear which has done the most evil, overall.  I'll let others decide which is Molech and which, Chemosh, but the first, most obvious idolatry takes the form of Planned Parenthood's so-called "clinics" and other… Continue reading On Sacrificing Children to Educational Abstractions

The Insidious Brick-Works of American Education

Joseph Moore examines how we came to be Bricks in the Wall.