The Necessary Insurgency

"As we look at all the various forms of societal incompetence and unrest that currently afflict us, whether feckless politicians or lawless rioters, we soon find that they all have one thing in common. The people who voted for Bernie, or threw a brick through an Abercrombie & Fitch window, or spewed their venomous trolleries on Twitter, or who viciously canceled any responsible attempts at dissent, are all at the tail end of that huge, slow-moving conveyor belt that we call public education."

Saint Thomas Nolan, of the NYPD

Now that the entire series is released, I present to you the complete Hugh Dunnit book reviews for Declan Finn's magnum opusĀ°. The stories were a pleasure to read and in one case, to write as well. I am endlessly grateful to Declan Finn for letting me collaborate on a Saint Tommy story, released today… Continue reading Saint Thomas Nolan, of the NYPD

If Crichton and Ludlum wrote an “End-Times” novel…. (9 stars out of 10, but we’ll round up)

magine the laboratories of Jurassic Park and State of Fear, the dangers of The Lost World and Eaters of the Dead, all of the intrigues and firepower of the Jason Bourne trilogy, rolled into one. Ā And now add a cameo appearance by the Mother of God, come to say that the fate of all mankind is at stake.

Horror Comes Home

Dusklight is a great follow-up toĀ Chalk,Ā LaPoint's schoolgirl-vs-abominations intro to the world and disruptive life of Raven Mistcreek, the fastest tomboy to draw a sidearm on the wall.

Review Overdue: Chalk, by N. R. LaPoint

When I reviewed Chalk on Amazon, I was short and to the point, without any spoilers. Or details, for that matter: This book will not cure insomnia. It will in no way help you sleep. If you are in need of full, restful nights' sleep, do not pick the book up after supper. If you… Continue reading Review Overdue: Chalk, by N. R. LaPoint

Masculine Mission: IGtbaM

"A man with a mission is hard to control, hard to cancel, and dangerous to a society that wants no competition from the righteous." ~ Bnonn Tennant

Signal Boost: God, Man, and the Hierarchy

Where do you belong?God, Man, and the Hierarchy

Standing By

The last command before the order to jump is always "Stand By."

Virtues, Virility, and Ministry ā€” Calvinist Ruminant

"In the classical world, there were four recognized virtues: Wisdom, Courage, Temperance, and Justice." Because there's more to Manhood than the Manosphere.

When the Bible’s Own Commands Are Unbiblical.

An answer to Ben Witherington's Why Arguments Against Women in Ministry Arenā€™t Biblical, on Mr. Witherington's essay, dated from 2015, resurfaced recently in the wake of the "embarrassing" scandal of John MacArthur's remarks about Beth Moore. I'm no fan of MacArthur, nor of Moore, but the remarks MacArthur made, heard here in original context,… Continue reading When the Bible’s Own Commands Are Unbiblical.

On “The Night my Father Shot the Werewolf” When a boy is nine, his Dad is the most important person in his life, and he should be able to look to Dad to defeat the monsters that hunt in the dark.Ā  Sean Grady always knew his Dad would do whatever it took to keep the family safe:Ā  this is Seanā€™s story. Thanks… Continue reading On “The Night my Father Shot the Werewolf”

Men of Worth are interested. ā€” Adam Piggott

, the act itself of creating, that mankind most truly echoes the Imago Dei.

Beyond the Alpha-Beta-Gammas, Part 2: Chivalry and Pashtunwali

To understand Honor Codes, we need to look at a sampling of them. So first out the gate is the Infogalactic summation of Pashtunwali, the honor code of the Pashtun tribes of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The Alpha Dad and the Beta Dad: A Punishing Tale

Worth reading, even if ADHD interferes: I find myself too frequently playing the Beta rather than the Alpha, but longing to shoulder that mantle better, and more strongly, every time I am confronted by my failings there.

Still thinking about catechesis and spiritual growth ā€” The Pocket Scroll

Information is not enough.