Saint Thomas Nolan, of the NYPD

Now that the entire series is released, I present to you the complete Hugh Dunnit book reviews for Declan Finn's magnum opusĀ°. The stories were a pleasure to read and in one case, to write as well. I am endlessly grateful to Declan Finn for letting me collaborate on a Saint Tommy story, released today… Continue reading Saint Thomas Nolan, of the NYPD

Signal Boost, and Open Submissions Call.

Another anthology has opened up, and I've got an idea for what to send them. I don't know why, but this link didn't populate the first time. Here it is, below.

If Crichton and Ludlum wrote an “End-Times” novel…. (9 stars out of 10, but we’ll round up)

magine the laboratories of Jurassic Park and State of Fear, the dangers of The Lost World and Eaters of the Dead, all of the intrigues and firepower of the Jason Bourne trilogy, rolled into one. Ā And now add a cameo appearance by the Mother of God, come to say that the fate of all mankind is at stake.

Horror Comes Home

Dusklight is a great follow-up toĀ Chalk,Ā LaPoint's schoolgirl-vs-abominations intro to the world and disruptive life of Raven Mistcreek, the fastest tomboy to draw a sidearm on the wall.

Donald MacGillavry, The Genius Hoax

Donald's gane up the hill hard and hungry
Donald comes down the hill wild and angry;
Donald will clear the gouk's nest cleverly
Here's to the king and Donald Macgillavry!

The Headship Game: Game On!

Neither I nor Dalrock mean to imply either that biblical headship is "a game" or that it consists of the self-appointed-stud-bull attitude marketed as being "Alpha" or having what its marketers call "Game" (capital G).Ā  They are in fact mutually incompatible, but are far nearer in form-- andĀ this is Dalrock's point-- than either is to the culturally-popular emasculated gamma-male role that is too often mistaken for "being a Good Christian Husband."

The Basis of SubCreation

It only occurred to me this week, some few days after I opened the Stories shelf withĀ The Bestiary andĀ The Legend of Gnat Bunker what those two pieces have in common.Ā  They are not merely "creative" butĀ meta-creative. They're aboutĀ how we create what we do, and in a deeper sense, why.