Subcreated Stack Impending

This blog has lain fallow for a while now, for the most part. Even the Jonah post I just published was waiting in Drafts for months. As it is, I am setting up a new site over at Substack, focused principally on my writing efforts, and eventually hope to post some of my short fiction… Continue reading Subcreated Stack Impending

Signal Boost, and Open Submissions Call.

Another anthology has opened up, and I've got an idea for what to send them. I don't know why, but this link didn't populate the first time. Here it is, below.

If Crichton and Ludlum wrote an “End-Times” novel…. (9 stars out of 10, but we’ll round up)

magine the laboratories of Jurassic Park and State of Fear, the dangers of The Lost World and Eaters of the Dead, all of the intrigues and firepower of the Jason Bourne trilogy, rolled into one.  And now add a cameo appearance by the Mother of God, come to say that the fate of all mankind is at stake.

Horror Comes Home

Dusklight is a great follow-up to Chalk, LaPoint's schoolgirl-vs-abominations intro to the world and disruptive life of Raven Mistcreek, the fastest tomboy to draw a sidearm on the wall.

Review Overdue: Chalk, by N. R. LaPoint

When I reviewed Chalk on Amazon, I was short and to the point, without any spoilers. Or details, for that matter: This book will not cure insomnia. It will in no way help you sleep. If you are in need of full, restful nights' sleep, do not pick the book up after supper. If you… Continue reading Review Overdue: Chalk, by N. R. LaPoint

Night-Time is Always the Worst: Ch. 4

Kriever didn’t like public trans, and insisted on driving his old Sting Ray everywhere. He glanced over to the passenger seat, where she sat with his coat still over her shoulders.
“Which way, doll?” he asked. The rain had eased up, for now...

Ratburger Presents!

Hans Schantz at ÆtherCzar has launched his Thanksgiving Ratburger Sale: all books at 99¢ or free, through the first week of December.

Tracing the Arkenstone

Whence came the Heart of the Lonely Mountain, the Arkenstone of Thrain? What do we know about the Heart of the Mountain? It was found by the children of Durin beneath the Lonely Mountain, and it shown with its own inner light, as even the hobbits attest in the Red Book of Westmarch.

The Wolf’s Cry: Author’s Notes on an Unfinished Tale

One of the seminal reasons I opened this sporadic blog in the first place was for a venue to air my writing-- some of it going back to high school, twenty years ago-- that was mouldering on my hard drive without a chance to be read by readers. The story The Wolf's Cry was one… Continue reading The Wolf’s Cry: Author’s Notes on an Unfinished Tale

Donald MacGillavry, The Genius Hoax

Donald's gane up the hill hard and hungry
Donald comes down the hill wild and angry;
Donald will clear the gouk's nest cleverly
Here's to the king and Donald Macgillavry!

Sourcing Villainy for your Villains (The Problem of Evil)

"One of the most important things that an author should know in order to write good and even great stories, readers and future writers, is that evil in fact exists."

Two Proposals: Courtesy of TWHHAK (Things We Have Heard And Known)

It isn't politically correct, but if true, these proposals will be validated for all male and female human characters, respectively, and resonate with the disproportionately human Reading Public.

H/T to Cane Caldo.

We’re Failing Our Children: repost from Sarah Hoyt’s blog.

And by “we” I mean writers and parents and teachers, and anyone who is supposed to give them an idea of how the world works. By “children” I mean those of us who were children in the last 50, maybe the last 70 years, and although the problem is most prevalent in America, it has […]… Continue reading We’re Failing Our Children: repost from Sarah Hoyt’s blog.

Shameless Plug for a Friend’s Poetry.

Wordsworth wrote an endless poem in blank verse on” the growth of a poet’s mind.” I shall attempt a more modest feat for a more distracted age: a blog, “Things which a Lifetime of Trying to Be a Poet has Taught Me.” AIR A Song of Taliessin While walking out under the greenwood fair […] via… Continue reading Shameless Plug for a Friend’s Poetry.

The Basis of SubCreation

It only occurred to me this week, some few days after I opened the Stories shelf with The Bestiary and The Legend of Gnat Bunker what those two pieces have in common.  They are not merely "creative" but meta-creative. They're about how we create what we do, and in a deeper sense, why.