Quotes Past Midnight, Vol. III

I confess these fell by the wayside recently, after having attempted to do them more regularly than my previous intermittence. I blame the end-of-term projects for Spring Semester, as I have been studying architecture with an eye to a day-job in the field. But without further ado, quotes collected via The Masculinist, According To Hoyt,… Continue reading Quotes Past Midnight, Vol. III

Signal Boost: God, Man, and the Hierarchy

Where do you belong?God, Man, and the Hierarchy

Men of Worth are interested. — Adam Piggott

, the act itself of creating, that mankind most truly echoes the Imago Dei.

The Headship Game: Game On!

Neither I nor Dalrock mean to imply either that biblical headship is "a game" or that it consists of the self-appointed-stud-bull attitude marketed as being "Alpha" or having what its marketers call "Game" (capital G).  They are in fact mutually incompatible, but are far nearer in form-- and this is Dalrock's point-- than either is to the culturally-popular emasculated gamma-male role that is too often mistaken for "being a Good Christian Husband."

The Basis of SubCreation

It only occurred to me this week, some few days after I opened the Stories shelf with The Bestiary and The Legend of Gnat Bunker what those two pieces have in common.  They are not merely "creative" but meta-creative. They're about how we create what we do, and in a deeper sense, why.