Subcreated Stack Impending

This blog has lain fallow for a while now, for the most part. Even the Jonah post I just published was waiting in Drafts for months. As it is, I am setting up a new site over at Substack, focused principally on my writing efforts, and eventually hope to post some of my short fiction… Continue reading Subcreated Stack Impending

The Necessary Insurgency

"As we look at all the various forms of societal incompetence and unrest that currently afflict us, whether feckless politicians or lawless rioters, we soon find that they all have one thing in common. The people who voted for Bernie, or threw a brick through an Abercrombie & Fitch window, or spewed their venomous trolleries on Twitter, or who viciously canceled any responsible attempts at dissent, are all at the tail end of that huge, slow-moving conveyor belt that we call public education."

Saint Thomas Nolan, of the NYPD

Now that the entire series is released, I present to you the complete Hugh Dunnit book reviews for Declan Finn's magnum opusĀ°. The stories were a pleasure to read and in one case, to write as well. I am endlessly grateful to Declan Finn for letting me collaborate on a Saint Tommy story, released today… Continue reading Saint Thomas Nolan, of the NYPD

Signal Boost, and Open Submissions Call.

Another anthology has opened up, and I've got an idea for what to send them. I don't know why, but this link didn't populate the first time. Here it is, below.

I can’t take credit for this one.

One of my favorite Indie writers, reviewing another of them. I'm going to have to read this one myself soon. N. R. LaPoint on the topic of Declan Finn.

If Crichton and Ludlum wrote an “End-Times” novel…. (9 stars out of 10, but we’ll round up)

magine the laboratories of Jurassic Park and State of Fear, the dangers of The Lost World and Eaters of the Dead, all of the intrigues and firepower of the Jason Bourne trilogy, rolled into one. Ā And now add a cameo appearance by the Mother of God, come to say that the fate of all mankind is at stake.

Horror Comes Home

Dusklight is a great follow-up toĀ Chalk,Ā LaPoint's schoolgirl-vs-abominations intro to the world and disruptive life of Raven Mistcreek, the fastest tomboy to draw a sidearm on the wall.

Review Overdue: Chalk, by N. R. LaPoint

When I reviewed Chalk on Amazon, I was short and to the point, without any spoilers. Or details, for that matter: This book will not cure insomnia. It will in no way help you sleep. If you are in need of full, restful nights' sleep, do not pick the book up after supper. If you… Continue reading Review Overdue: Chalk, by N. R. LaPoint

Quotes After Midnight, Vol. II

Who we are and who we will become depends on who we think we were. ~ Rod Dreher

Quotes After Midnight, Vol. 1

Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak and that it is doing Godā€™s service when it is violating all His laws. ~ John Adams Some of these quotes will be from major celebrities. Some were from noteworthy essays and works of literature. Some of them… Continue reading Quotes After Midnight, Vol. 1

Signal Boost: God, Man, and the Hierarchy

Where do you belong?God, Man, and the Hierarchy

Superversive: by Tom Simon

A "Guest Post," or rather a reposting with permission, of Tom Simon's essay that started it all. The original essay is here, but the link may not cooperate with some browsers' notions of "Secure Sites". Stuff and Nonsense, say I!

Night-Time is Always the Worst: Ch 5

Jonas had never been so far up in all his life. The sidewalks he was used to had no railings because it was only twenty centimetres to the street, not hectametres. He walked more carefully, one hand against the reassuring wall. The air was clearer up here, and the early morning light was almost blue after thousands of yellow and grey-green mornings below. He looked again at the address as a tungsten-yellow Phœnix Valkyrie roared past, freely sharing bullets with the DPD at close range. Jonas pulled his coat around himself, thanked the OneTrueGod for a day out of the factory, and prayed for Clara's safety.

Night-Time is Always the Worst: Ch. 4

Kriever didnā€™t like public trans, and insisted on driving his old Sting Ray everywhere. He glanced over to the passenger seat, where she sat with his coat still over her shoulders.
ā€œWhich way, doll?ā€ he asked. The rain had eased up, for now...

Night-Time Is Always the Worst: Ch. 3

ā€œI didn't like the way you treated Sam just now,ā€ she said when he reached her table.
ā€œSam was begging for it.ā€ She was wearing something much too short, but Kriever was too busy to be impressed. ā€œPut on a coat and take me uptown, doll,ā€ he said.