Signal Boost: God, Man, and the Hierarchy

Where do you belong?God, Man, and the Hierarchy

The Alpha Dad and the Beta Dad: A Punishing Tale

Worth reading, even if ADHD interferes: I find myself too frequently playing the Beta rather than the Alpha, but longing to shoulder that mantle better, and more strongly, every time I am confronted by my failings there.

The seriousness of becoming a Christian in the ancient church — The Pocket Scroll

I am the sort of person who is attracted to high ideals, although I am far too spiritually lazy to live up to most of them. Hence my ongoing appetite for monks and friars, for ascetics and mystics, for academic standards of publishing. I am always struck by the seriousness of becoming a Christian in the… Continue reading The seriousness of becoming a Christian in the ancient church — The Pocket Scroll

After Nine Lives.

A cat dies and is ushered before the Throne of God. “Nice pad, mate!” says the cat, “I think I’ll stick around! ..."

The Final Sunday In Ordinary Time

The familiar carol's paradigm downshifted like McQueen and floored it, and I realized what the shepherds saw that had them "sore afraid."  

The Basis of SubCreation

It only occurred to me this week, some few days after I opened the Stories shelf with The Bestiary and The Legend of Gnat Bunker what those two pieces have in common.  They are not merely "creative" but meta-creative. They're about how we create what we do, and in a deeper sense, why.